Drupal at Cal Poly

Cal Poly's Content Management System

Right Sidebar

This is a block set to appear in the right sidebar.

Above Main Content

This is a block set to appear in the Above Main Content region.

Block Samples

You can create a variety of blocks on your site. Most users are familiar with widgets and menus - but did you know there are other areas you can place blocks on your Drupal site?

This page demonstrates many of the different block regions available on Drupal sites! The text you're reading right now is inside the main body content.

Keep in mind the styles you're familiar with using in your body content won't always appear in different block areas. You might want to test out your blocks on your stage site first until you're satisfied with the look and feel of your block. 

How can you use this?

Blocks visibility settings allows you to place block-based content across multiple pages. This means if you ever want to update that content, you only have to do it once for the block - whereas if you had placed the content manually on each individual page, you'd have to update it once for every page it appeared on.

Common use cases include

  • Widgets
  • Subnavigation menus or calls to action in the right sidebar
  • Header images in the above main content region
  • Webforms in the below main content region.

But get creative! If you think you've found another good use case you want to see listed here, let us know: drupal@calpoly.edu


Block Regions Illustrated

  1. Above Main Content
  2. Your page's body content (for reference)
  3. Right Sidebar
  4. Below Main Content
  5. Widgets
  6. Footer/Social

Illustration of block regions in the Cal Poly theme

Related Content

Below Main Content

This is a block set to appear in the Below Main Content region. The widgets below this block are in the Widget region.

Cal Poly's WCMS

Drupal Since 2009 Badge

Drupal has been Cal Poly's web content management system since 2009.

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